Alchemists Desk

A city and dungeon in the planning stages both call for a few alchemists; some of them will have a full lab at their disposal:

At default scale these don’t print well – the drawers don’t print out completely, and the equipment on the desk is too fragile, falling apart at the barest touch. Scaled up to 150%  they print perfectly – the drawers slide cleanly, and the desk fits almost exactly in a 2×1 dungeon tile.


  • Maker: Vertikon
  • Source: Alchemis’ts Desk
  • License: Creative Commons – Attribution
  • Model: Alchemist Desk
  • GCode: –
  • Material: Prusa White PLA 1.75mm
  • Print Date: 2017/12/07
  • Print Time: 2 hours 18 minutes
  • Estimated Print Time: 2 hours 1 minute
  • Estimated Filament: 6.4 meters
  • Slicer: PrusaControl
  • Slicer Settings:
    • 0.20mm layers
    • supports from build plate
    • 20% infill
    • no brim
  • Printer: Prusa i3 mk2

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