Squishy Owl

The test print of the NinjaFlex went smoothly, so onto the squishy owl. This is a Christmas present for the 5 year old.

A few false starts, and some fiddling with live z-tuning, and things were printing well. The first print is nearly perfect, except for the top of the head, where there are too few layers, and too big of a gap to bridge:

Tried a small second version with a few extra layers, sliced in Slic3r so I can better control a few things. Well, that resulted in nothing printed, and a bundle of twisted and wasted filament; I’ll stick with the first print.

Added a tophat to see if we can cover up the spotty quality on the top of the owl’s head:

  • Maker:
  • Source:
  • License:
  • Model:
  • Material:
    • NinjaFlex Grass SemiFlex 1.75mm
    • Inland Peak Green PLA 1.75mm
  • Print Date: 2017/11/22, 2017/12/23
  • Print Time:
    • Owl: 4 hours 10 minutes
    • Top Hat (NinjaFlex): failed
    • Top Hat (PLA): 33 minutes
  • Estimated Print Time:
    • Owl: 4 hours 13 minutes
    • Top Hat (NinjaFlex): 26 minutes
    • Top Hat (PLA): 31 minutes
  • Estimated Filament:
    • Owl: 8.9 meters
    • Top Hat (NinjaFlex): 80.6 cm
    • Top Hat (PLA): 1 meter
  • Slicer: PrusaControl
  • Slicer Settings:
    • Owl
      • 0.20mm layers
      • 0% infill / hollow
      • no brim
      • no supports
      • material setting: Flex – Shore A85 – A98
    • Top Hat (NinjaFlex)
      • 0.20mm layers SemiFlex or Flexfill
      • 20% infill
      • no brim
      • supports (pillars)
      • material setting: Flex – Shore A85 – A98
      • scale: 500%
      • live adjust z: +0.750mm
    • Top Hat (PLA)
      • 0.15mm layers
      • 20% infill
      • no brim
      • supports on bed
      • scale: 600%
  • Printer: Prusa i3 mk2

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