I’ve seen a few interesting text prints floating around, and have especially liked a few that play with angles and offsets that make the text pop out in unexpected ways – there somehow reminiscent of a late 1980’s, early 1990’s design aesthetic as desktop publishing became a Thing.
As I’ve been posting print photos to Instagram under Dwyer Devices as well as posting here, I thought it would be fun to print a name plate for the site, drawing a bit of inspiration from these other text prints. A straight copy of any of the styles didn’t seem quite right, so I designed something with more of a nod towards 3D printing and melting plastic:
I should have printed this with an attached brim, as multiple points around the edge pulled away from the print bed. Despite that, I like this turquoise filament – really consistent and solid color.
- Maker: patricknevindwyer
- Source: Melting Name Plate
- Original License: Creative Commons – Attribution
- Model: Dwyer-Devices-2.stl
- GCode: Dwyer Devices-2.gcode
- Material: Turquoise PLA 1.75mm
- Print Date: 2017/09/18
- Print Time: 8 hours 15 minutes
- Slicer: Slic3r PE 1.36.2
- Slice Settings:
- 0.10mm Layers
- 20% infill, cubic
- No Supports
- Printer: Prusa i3 mk2