Expanded Poke-set

Pulling from the same Pokemon chess set I used for Pikachu, I print you!, I wanted to expand the set of Pokemon we have to play with. Pikachu has been popular around the house for all sorts of pretend play and games, so I went with a batch of six: Dratini, Eevee, Arcanine, Bulbasaur, Jigglypuff, and Charmander:

These suffered from some of the same issues the two Pikachu prints have: underbellies and overhang surfaces get a few loose threads of filament, but most of them are easy to clean up. Printing all six at once worked surprisingly well, and kept the printer busy while I was at work. Printing them individually would have probably spanned two or three days, given interruptions and time away from the house.

I’ve been worried that the low print quality and infill density for these Pokemon would result in early and easy breakage, but so far the only casualty is Charmander’s flame, which snapped off soon after we started playing with it.

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