Another curved vase, like the 50% scaled vase, this time a bit bigger, a bit stronger, and a different color:
My goal for this print of the vase was something big enough to hold pens and pencils. It needed to be sturdy enough to withstand daily abuse from children as well; with this print I increased the number of wall perimeters to 5, instead of the default of 2. Overall a good print – clean lines, the right size, and dense enough for daily use by everyone in the family.
The estimate for print time and material for this model as sliced are off by slightly more than 50% because PrusaControl (which I’ve been using to generate time and material estimates, even when using Slic3r to generate GCODE) doesn’t offer a way to modify options like perimeter count, leading to sometimes wildly wrong estimates.
- Maker: eggnot
- Source: Curved Honeycomb Vase
- Original License: Creative Commons – Attribution
- Model: sotvl1.stl
- GCode: –
- Material: Inland Turquoise PLA 1.75mm
- Print Date: 2017/10/17
- Print Time: 6 hours 48 minutes
- Estimated Print Time: 4 hours 30 minutes
- Estimated Filament: 16 meters
- Slicer: Slic3r PE 1.37.1
- Slice Settings:
- 75% scale
- 5 perimeters
- no top horizontal solid layers
- 10 bottom horizontal solid layers
- 0% infill
- 10mm brim
- 0.20mm layers
- Printer: Prusa i3 mk2