Monument Valley – Totem


Everyone in the house has played, and often continues to play, Monument Valley. It felt like the house needed a Totem friend of its own.

This Totem is at half scale from the original model, primarily to speed up printing time.

I also combined models that are the same color into single prints to make the logistics a bit easier, as otherwise there are 14 separate pieces to print.

The only problem I ran into printing at half scale is with the snap together rotating joint: at this scale the individual prongs aren’t strong enough to latch into place without snapping. I ended up glueing the cubes together after all of the prongs crumbled.


  • Maker: AliG3D
  • Source: Totem a Friend Monument Valley plus Ida
  • License: Creative Commons – Attribution
  • Models: All Models
  • Scaling: 50% Original
  • GCode: –
  • Materials:
    • Hatchbox Yellow PLA 1.75mm
    • Inland Turquoise PLA 1.75mm
  • Print Date: 2017/10/13
  • Print Time: 9 hours 5 minutes total
    • yellows: 7 hours 58 minutes
    • blues: 45 minutes
    • black: 6 minutes
    • orange: 5 minutes
    • white: 11 minutes
  • Post-print Cleanup Time: 2-3 hours sanding, 30 minutes assembly
  • Estimated Print Time:
    • yellows: 7 hours 51 minutes
    • blues: 42 minutes
    • black: 5 minutes
    • orange: 3 minutes
    • white: 11 minutes
  • Estimated Filament: 38.176 meters total
    • yellows: 36.1 meters
    • blues: 2.2 meters
    • black: 26.8 centimeters
    • orange: 17.6 centimeters
    • white: 56.8 centimeters
  • Slicer: Slic3r
  • Slicer Settings:
    • 50% scale
    • 0.20mm layers
    • 20% infill cubic
    • Surface fill – Hilbert Curve
    • 10mm brim
  • Printer: Prusa i3 mk2

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